Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pre-op & Post-op

I took Molly in to Children's Hospital, Dayton, this morning, to have tubes put in both of her ears. I had the pleasure of getting up at 5:30am so I could have her there by 6:15am!!! I honestly don't remember the last time I had to wake up at that time (without being able to go right back to sleep).

So, we got in to the hospital at 6:15am and were shown to room #1 out of 60 rooms. Molly was the first patient of the day! Right off the bat, Molly wasn't too sure of the place. She has always been able to sense doctor's offices or clinics. The nurses were wonderful! They asked their standard questions (Molly is now 22lbs 8oz.) and then Molly and I got to take a walk through the halls while we waited for the doctor. What was great about our walk? Well, the hospital has little cars for the kids to ride around in. Molly loved it (not so much when they had to take it away). We had brought along her teddy bear and glow worm, so she had a blast putting them in the trunk (it was actually in front) of the little car.

After a few walks, we had to go back to our room so Molly could be given some Tylenol and another medication to help her relax. Boy did she relax! I had her sitting on the bed playing and talking when, suddenly, she just flopped down and her eye's got droopy. It was pretty funny. She sure tried to fight it, though. I had to keep her on the bed or hold her because she couldn't really walk under the influence, but that didn't keep her from trying. I think that must have been a little bit of what it's like to argue with a drunk person. Here are some photos of her just after the drugs kicked in!

I had been told the procedure would be quick, but I don't think I was prepared for it being that fast. As soon as they took Molly from our room, I went to get something to drink and a snack from the lobby. By the time I had finished them, the doctor had come back to say everything went great! About 15 minutes later, a nurse carried Molly back to me. Molly spent the next 30 minutes screaming (that would be why there aren't any post-op photos) and trying to get me to put her down and then we got to go home!

She had a great morning nap and seems to be back to her normal, adorable, self. Thank you for all the prayers and concerns.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Happy Moments

Jackson was in a time out. Of course, you wouldn't know it by the above photo. Every time we put Jackson in a time out, Molly runs over to sit next to him. Even if he's sitting there for having hurt her. She just loves her big brother so much!
Did someone order a Pebbles look alike??? She use to hate having her hair done, but after a few times, she seems to be getting use to it. She'll have to get use to it with a mom like me! :)

This is what happens when a little girl decides she needs to feed herself mac & cheese. The next day, I could have taken the same photo only with applesauce that time.

We got a little bed from Ikea for Molly's baby dolls. She loves it! Our biggest challenge is keeping Molly and Jackson from climbing into it.

Jackson still LOVES his airplanes!

This is my new FAVORITE photo of Jackson. He enjoyed putting on Daddy's hat! Go Cardinals!!!