Friday, December 9, 2011

Going Green!

This evening, Jackson received his Tiger Cub green belt!!!  We are so very proud of him.  It has been four months and he has yet to not want to go to tae kwon do!!!  Pretty awesome for an activity we usually go to three times a week!

Getting ready to recite the ten tenants. (so far I can only remember five of them)

"Hi Mom!!!"

 Getting his new belt from Master Overstreet (owner and head instructor)

Bowing to all of the instructors.

Our super cool little dude!

This was the face we got after mentioning all his little girl friends names from preschool.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Snow? SNOW!!!!

Yes, you read that right.  We have snow and plenty of it.  Sure, it's no Wisconsin blizzard, but it's enough for the town to shut down.  Frankly, I really don't care for it right now.  Most of my friends think I'm terrible for not liking it, but I was hoping for one tour in a location without snow.  I figured, being only a couple hours from Mexico, I wouldn't have this problem!
Anywho, the kids (and Benny) are loving it and I do enjoy watching them play.  They both woke up eager to get outside.  With everything being shut down, we were able to have a nice family breakfast of pancakes and sausage, and then got the kids bundled up for the great outdoors.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Yee Haw!!!!

I thought about trying to play catch up with all the photos I have, and I decided against it.  I simply do not have the time.  Both kids are in preschool.  I am teaching music at their school.  Jackson has soccer three times a week and taekwondo three times a week.  I work with our churches children's choir on Wednesday nights.  The kids have AWANA on Sunday nights.  And somewhere in there, we try to find time to eat, sleep, and have a little fun together.  :)
Tonight, I finally managed to get both kids in their western sleepwear.  YEE HAW!!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

90/365 A Big Boy!!!

So, there was something big we wanted to get Jackson, but were really hoping to wait until his birthday or Christmas.  Unfortunately, that isn't until November and we decided we just couldn't wait any longer.  So, yesterday, Jackson got his super big boy bike!!!
Initially, we planned to just go to Walmart, but, being unsure of the correct size bike for him, we headed to a local bike store to get him sized first.  Must to our surprise, he is big enough for a 20" bike!  Agreeing that he would have this bike for a very long time, we bit the bullet and bought one from the bike shop.
Now that Jackson has his bigger bike, Molly has been upgraded to Jackson's old tricycle.  Everyone is thrilled!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

89/365 Beautiful Morning!!!

The wind has FINALLY died down and you know what that means???  Sand sledding!!!

The kids and I went out this morning.  Still working on getting Molly to actually sled instead of just playing in the sand.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

88/365 Sunday Fun Day!

This past Sunday, we headed up to the Old Apple Barn and enjoyed some ice cream in the beautiful weather!  What a blessing it is to be able to drive up into the mountains and get some relief from the heat!

I was also excited to be able to get Molly back into pigtails!!!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

87/365 Eye Fun!!!!

Today, we purchased the Playstation Move along with the game Eyepet!  Jackson and Molly had played this once at their cousin's house and had a blast.  Today was no exception.  They had loads of fun with their eyepet "Fuzzy."  Now, if I could just stop them from kicking and trying to jump on Fuzzy, he might stop scowling at them.  :)  Fuzzy also seemed to really like sitting on Molly's lap.  He looks a lot like a monchichi, which is funny since we thought Molly looked kinda like a monchichi as a baby.