Friday, December 9, 2011

Going Green!

This evening, Jackson received his Tiger Cub green belt!!!  We are so very proud of him.  It has been four months and he has yet to not want to go to tae kwon do!!!  Pretty awesome for an activity we usually go to three times a week!

Getting ready to recite the ten tenants. (so far I can only remember five of them)

"Hi Mom!!!"

 Getting his new belt from Master Overstreet (owner and head instructor)

Bowing to all of the instructors.

Our super cool little dude!

This was the face we got after mentioning all his little girl friends names from preschool.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Snow? SNOW!!!!

Yes, you read that right.  We have snow and plenty of it.  Sure, it's no Wisconsin blizzard, but it's enough for the town to shut down.  Frankly, I really don't care for it right now.  Most of my friends think I'm terrible for not liking it, but I was hoping for one tour in a location without snow.  I figured, being only a couple hours from Mexico, I wouldn't have this problem!
Anywho, the kids (and Benny) are loving it and I do enjoy watching them play.  They both woke up eager to get outside.  With everything being shut down, we were able to have a nice family breakfast of pancakes and sausage, and then got the kids bundled up for the great outdoors.