Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Perfect Playhouse!

Earlier this week, we bought a playhouse for the backyard! We invested in the "Magic Fountain Cottage." It's perfect! It is lacking a drop leaf table inside, but Jackson LOVES the fountain. Better yet, our little Molly who hated the feeling of grass on any part of her body, is walking all over the place thanks to this little house!
Latest Jackson story- we went to the mall the other day and stopped in at the Children's Place to get Jackson some new shirts and shorts. While I was looking at several different colored shorts I began to hear Jackson saying, "Oooooo! Look! Look! Love freen ones! Love a da freen ones." So I asked if he wanted the green shorts. Then he spotted the blue shorts. "Oooo! Love a da boo ones! Jackson love a da boo ones!" I thought boys weren't suppose to care about what they wear??? And when did my son get an Italian accent?
Molly continues to be adorable. She has several words, or variations of them. Our current word list is:
Thank you

I think that's all of them. Needless to say, she is doing well. She continues to follow Jackson wherever he goes. Even if it means sitting in a timeout with him. :)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

You can stop nagging now. :)

We had some wonderful family photos taken by our dear friend, Susie! It was such a blessing to have a friend taking our photos as it is quite difficult to get a two year old to sit for even a second, let alone smile for a picture. I am so pleased with the results! Molly was surprisingly happy this day! She even wanted me to put her down so she could walk on her own. For the above photo, we made Susie climb up on a giant fake rock to get that shot. Thank goodness, it soon became out favorite family shot!

Now for a few Jackson stories. It seems to be, the more he talks, the more entertaining he gets. So, last week I celebrated my 29th birthday. I got to celebrate by being told I'm old by not only my husband and brother-in-law, but even by my own son. Granted, he has been under his fathers influence for a while, but that day everyone was self initiated. While we sat at the dinner table, Jackson came out stating, "Jackson not old. Moo-moo not old. Daddy not old. (and just when I thought I was going to get a wonderful compliment) Mommy old." Thanks Jackson. Thanks.

My next story came shortly after Jackson asked me for a snack. We went into the kitchen and he first told me he wanted an apple. So I cut up and gave him an apple. Then, he saw the chips on the counted and decided he wanted them instead. I told him he needed to finish his apple and then he could have some chips and he complied (at first). After a few slices of apple, he asked for some chips again and I said, "are your apples all gone? are there any left in the bowl?" Being the clever and silly boy that he is, he walked over to his bowl (which still had apples in it), covered up his eyes with his hands and proceeded to say, "apples all gone? where apples go?" What am I going to do with this boy?

Lastly, Jason and I have been blessed by wonderful friends that give us the chance to go out on dates once in a while. Corrie and Ryan came to baby-sit while Jason and I got to go see "UP" in 3D. We brought home our 3D glasses and, the next day, discovered how fun they could really be. Since we had two pairs, Jackson and Molly each got their own and had a blast with them! Today, Jackson put them on top of his head and said, "Jackson doctor. Jackson get doctor sticker." (For those of you who don't know, there is a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse episode where Daisy gets her pretend doctors sticker.)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Son in the Sun

We recently bought Jackson his first scooter. He had played on one at a friends house and seemed to do quite well at it. I also took this opportunity to introduce knee pads to Jackson. Surprisingly, he loved them. It's a good thing, too, since he took a digger on a neighbor's drive-way about 10 minutes after putting them on. Would it be weird for me to just keep knee pads on him all the time? I realize that he is a two year old boy and they are suppose to have bumps and bruises, but this is just madness! I think both of his shins are just one giant bruise!

Also, we decided to get a bigger pool for the yard so that Jackson and Molly could both play in it. Well, Molly hates water so I guess it's really just for Jackson. Anyway, I found what I have been told is one of the coolest kids pools ever! You can judge for yourself, but I think it's pretty awesome. The is a hook up for the hose in the back of the monkey's head to make it into a sprinkler. It's a toss up whether Jackson had more fun playing in the pool, or helping Mommy blow up the pool. To all my friends and family who have small children, I don't recommend letting them help you blow up anything. It gets pretty gross. :) At least, not if you plan on putting your mouth on the blow-up piece also.