Thursday, November 18, 2010

Photo #220 The Princess Is In

So, several years ago, I received a castle tent as a, sort of, joke Christmas gift (although I did think it was wonderful).  It had never been opened until yesterday!  I had finally emptied more boxes in the garage and came across it.  Still in it's original packaging.  Of course, I am thrilled to finally have a great use for it!  I put it up in Molly's room.

Last night, she asked Jason if she could sleep in it.  He did actually think about it but then decided it wouldn't be the best idea.  Instead, I let her take her nap in it, today!  I wasn't sure how that would go, but figured I would just deal with whatever they brought.

She did great!  She looked so adorable sleeping in her castle.  Just like Sleeping Beauty, she had her hands together resting under her cheek.  I would have taking photos of her asleep, but she insisted on having the castle doors closed.  I suppose it's only right for her to have it that way.  I did, however, take a few photos before closing the door for her nap.  Enjoy!

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