Our trip home, however, could have gone a little more smoothly. We set out around 7:30am on Saturday morning, with full intentions to drive all the way home in one day (since I had Jason with me this time). After about an hour, we discovered we wouldn't be able to get out of Florida just yet. There was rain and flash flooding all over. The road we wanted to take was completely blocked. So, we turned around and went back to my parents house to wait out some of the rain. We let Molly take a nap and then finally set off, again, around 11:00am. This time, we took a different route. For much of the drive we debated driving all the way home or stopping for the night. We made it to Kentucky and stopped at the first rest area to change diapers. While we were there Jason and I dicovered that much of our up coming drive was covered with tornado watches and severe thunderstorm warnings (as if we hadn't had enough bad weather). So we stopped in Bowling Green, KY with only 4 1/2 hours left to get home.
Below you can see a brief video of Jackson and Molly enjoying our hotel room. I think this video was taken about 2 hours past their bedtimes. Sorry the video is so dark. It's the best I could do. All you really need to know is that Molly is enjoying herself, no matter what Jackson does. I promise we would have stopped it if she were crying.