Wednesday, May 13, 2009


This past weekend, my wonderful husband bought me a much wanted patio set for Mother's Day! All four chairs came in the same box. It was a big box. In keeping with my inner child, we wasted no time in putting the box to use!
Jackson loved closing Mommy in the box and Molly liked the box because it kept her off the grass. :)
After that, we spent some quality time on the playground. We even managed to find a riding toy that was short enough for Molly's feet to touch the ground. She loved it!
As for the potty training, Jackson is still doing great (although he did go in the sandbox once). But, as they say, no peein', no gain, right? (yeah, I know. Bad joke.)
My Mother's day was wonderful. Jason's dad, Terry, and his wife, Laureen, came out for the weekend so that Jason and Terry could go to the Cardinals v Reds game. We also took a trip to Ikea and got Molly her own Ikea chair so she could stop stealing Jackson's.
For more photo's of our fun weekend, go to

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