Friday, April 23, 2010

Photo #104 More Changes Around Here

Slowly things are coming together around here.  There are still plenty of boxes to be emptied, but we are beginning to make this house our home.  Back in Ohio, we made a final trip to Ikea and picked up a couple Poang chairs.  If you don't know what they are, they are Ikea's signature chair.  Jackson and Molly actually have kids sized poang chairs, so these ones are Mommy and Daddy's chairs ONLY!

Once we got here, we looked around at a few furniture stores.  We are looking to replace a few furniture pieces and stumbled upon a coffee table and end table that we really liked.  They were delivered this morning!

And finally, I have been back at the painting.  We changed the orange a little.  After a couple days of looking at it, I decided it was just too bright for me to live with (when the sun shines on it, it looks like I colored the wall with an orange highlighter).  Below you will find a display of the before and after of our orange.  Thank you to the nice lady at Lowes for darkening my paint for me at no charge.  She saved my walls and my eyes!

I also began painting our entryway.  Jason isn't too keen on green, but I managed to convince him to let me paint a little bit of green.  It looks fantastic and Jason even thinks it looks great!

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