Sunday, April 4, 2010

Photo #89 An Eggcellent Day!!!

Today started off with a trip to the St. Louis Zoo!!!  We had a fantastic time!  Just before we got to the zoo, we asked Jackson and Molly what their favorite animals are.  Jackson said "a dog" and Molly said "a cow."  :)

Molly enjoys making elephant sounds with Daddy!!!

The zoo was having some fun things for the animals in honor of Easter.  While we were by the tigers, the zoo keepers brought out some stuffed piñatas.  I'm not entirely sure what they were full of, but the tigers sure loved them!

At the end of our visit, we went on a train ride!  It was a great end to a wonderful morning.

This afternoon, we had an egg hunt for the kids.  Both kids did a great job at hunting down their eggs.   We bought each of the kids souvineers from the zoo and Jackson got a pair of binoculars.  He chose to use them to find his eggs.

You can see many more photos of all our weekend fun at


  1. That zoo looks like fun! We're going to the zoo with my parents tomorrow!! :)

  2. If you ever have the opportunity, I highly recommend going to the St. Louis Zoo. The only thing you pay for is parking and the park is HUGE! We could have easily spent the entire day there.
