Thursday, April 30, 2009


So, the other day the whole family went to Target to return a gift Molly got two of, and to do some shopping with her birthday money. Of course, we went into the clothing department and shortly after arriving, I began to hear something I had never heard before. Jackson was walking around, picking up little dresses and shirts and saying (with a high pitched voice), "Oh! How cute?! Awe!" Over and over and over again. I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised but I just couldn't stop laughing. Thankfully he seems to have gotten over his last "mommy-ism." That one was his answer to any question. "Ummmm....nope." Apparently I say that one a lot, too.
On a different note, Molly is everywhere! Apparently, when they learn to walk, they learn to climb at the same time. She is able to climb our entire staircase. Also, her new favorite activity is climbing into one of Jackson's chairs, standing up, and smiling at Mommy and Daddy while they are telling her to sit down. She climbs on toy boxes, digs thru my purse, and has even gotten herself up and into Jackson's bed! What am I going to do with her???

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