Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Photo #116 Fun in the Sun!!!

It got into the 90's today, so I decided it was time to break out the swim suits.  We took a quick trip to Walmart to get water shoes and a sprinkler.

When we got home, suits got on and outside we went.  Molly spent all of about 5 seconds in the water.  She wanted nothing to do with the sprinkler.  A couple times, Jackson walked over to her and said, "It won't hurt you, Molly.  It won't hurt."  But that just wasn't good enough.  She still looked adorable in her suit.

Jackson had a blast in the water.  Not long after getting the new sprinkler hooked up, I found our old one.  It was fine until Jackson wanted to switch back and forth from each sprinkler about every 5 minutes.

On an exciting note, while getting Molly changed out of her swim suit and swim diaper, she threw a fit when I went to put a diaper on her.  I asked if she wanted to wear a pull-up instead of a diaper and she said "yes."  This is monumental since every other time I have asked her, she has specifically said she wanted to wear a diaper.  I took advantage of her desire for a pull-up and told her she needed to go on the potty if she was going to wear a pull-up.  She hesitated and eventually agreed to sit on the potty!  Hurray!!!  The end of buying diapers is in sight!

1 comment:

  1. love the third picture! We went to Indian Ripple Park today & I thought of you. :)
