Friday, May 21, 2010

Photo #129 A Trip to Las Cruses

Today, I need out!  The number of things to do in Alamogordo got to me today.  So, I left.  I got the kids in the van and off we went to a bit more civilization in Las Cruses.

There may not be a ton more to do, but they have Target and Starbuck's.  They make me happy.

On the way back home, I decided I need to stop at a wayside and take a few photos so you could see how amazingly beautiful it really can be here.  I realize I don't give this area the credit it is due when it comes to beauty.  Unfortunately, I didn't bring my regular camera with me, so you'll have to settle for cell phone photos for now.

San Augustin

Divide between Tularosa Basin
to east and Jornada del Muerto
to west, cut between Organ
Mountains to south and San
 Augustin/San Andres Mountains
to north.  White gypsum sands
glisten to northeast.  Roadcuts
in ????.  Organ
mines yielded copper, lead, silver,
gold, zinc, and fluorite.  Elevation
5,710 feet.

On the way home, it got to be New Mexico cloudy.  :)


  1. I assumed when you said you were going to New Mexico that it was Kirtland! How are you liking Alamagordo??

  2.'s sunny? :) We're doing alright. We bought a house here so it's nice to have the extra space and the backyard for the kids.
