As we drove to see family for the holidays, Jason asked if I had packed said gun. I said I had not. Once we got to his dad's house, he and his brother wasted no time in going out to purchase two new nerf guns. I will spare the details of a very long week. At the end of the visit, Uncle Matt decided he could not take his nerf gun back home since he was flying, so he was kind enough to give it to us.
A couple weeks after getting home from all the holiday visits, we were strolling through Target and came upon yet another nerf gun which we thought Jackson could use. Yeah, super, right?
In the end, the forth nerf gun was not yet usable by Jackson and therefore my husband now owns four nerf guns (five if you count the fact that one of them is two guns in one). (Do they make nerf gun safes?)
Jackson and Molly have come up with a new and exciting activity to use said guns. Our entertainment center has glass doors on either side of it. Their activity consists of one of them standing on one side of the door, while Daddy (and sometimes Mommy) shoots darts at the other side. See following photos for a visual aid.
As I told Jason last night. That is just wrong, funny but wrong. It's not like I would use darts out of a blow gun to shoot Jason, so he didn't learn it from me. And Janice, you knew you had three kids.