Friday, January 29, 2010

Photo #24 You'd never know it but.....

You'd never know it by the photos here, but Jackson had a terrible time waking up from his nap this afternoon.  He had his first melt down in his room.  After Jason brought him downstairs, he continued to cry and whine even though his favorite show (3-2-1 Penguins) was on.  Molly kept trying to say "hi," wave and give him hugs.  This just made things worse.  So, back to his room he went.  He spent another 15-20 minutes standing in the middle of his room crying (even though Jason did tell him he could do whatever he wanted in his room).  Once Jackson came back downstairs, the crying and whining continued for about another 15 minutes.  I'm not really sure what snapped him out of it, but I sure am glad it's over.  I think I actually did pretty well at ignoring all of it.  I have learned that, when he gets in these moods, there isn't really anything I can do to snap him out of it.  It's just something that I have to ride through and hope I'm still sane at the other end.

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