Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Photo #2

I had trouble deciding when to post a photo of the day. Some days I can take over a hundred photos of my kids and other days we're just too busy. Today looked to be one of those "over a hundred" kinda days.

I decided to post a little early so that it wouldn't be too much of a focus for my day and I might actually get other things accomplished.

So here is a photo of my sweetest little Molly and her super crazy hair. She seems to have taken on her mothers dry and static consuming hair. Sorry Molly!

I also chose this photo because my imagination goes wild when I try to imagine what she was thinking about in that moment.

1 comment:

  1. The dry hair creates all types of havoc for Lauren and Ashleigh's hair, too! Good for you for taking on the project :)
