Sunday, February 21, 2010

Photo #47 I don't wanna and you can't make me!!!

Molly is a sweetheart, but every kid has their moments.  Lately, she has been extremely clingy to me and it has driven me a little crazy.  I'm not really one to give in to her neediness.  This, of course, leads to the inevitable tantrum.  She is as stubborn as stubborn can be.  I have no idea where she could get that from.

Todays tantrum happened when it was time to go upstairs.  We still had an hour before bedtime but it was bath night.  I decided I would get the kids upstairs, let them play for a little bit, and then give them their bath right before bed.  Initially, Molly didn't want to go upstairs.  Then, when she decided she was okay with going (because Jack-Jack was up there), she wanted to be carried up the stairs.  I told her she could climb up the stairs herself and it began.  I'm pretty sure this one lasted about 30 minutes.  It may have been made worse when I decided to break out my camera and take photos of her, instead of carrying her up the stairs (the second photo would be the look I got when she first saw the camera).  Being that this isn't the first time she has tried this, I wasn't about to lose this battle.

And for those of you wondering why on earth I would even take photos like this, see Photo #43 blog.

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