So, I didn't actually take any photos today. I'm cheating. But that doesn't mean this was a boring day. In fact, it was a very exciting day!
After several wet training underpants and pull-ups, it finally seemed to click! Sure, it takes M&M's but Molly stayed dry for the entire afternoon!!! I could almost see the gears going in her head. She sat on the potty and said, "I get M&M!" and I replied, "Only if you go pee-pee in the potty." She paused for a few moments and then said, "I DID go pee-pee!" Sure enough. She did! From that moment on, the shear mention of an M&M and she was ready to go! Of course, we still have a ways to go, but we are well on our way!
Since I didn't actually take any photos today, I'm using an older one from when we first got her little potty.
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