Thursday, February 26, 2009
I know this is two posts in one day.
It's only 10:30am and I've already....
Molly has turned into my little super model. Put a camera in front of her and she's ready to go! Here is just one series of Molly photo's. She is continuing to be delightful! It is also continuing to be easy to know she has a big brother. Most of the time she is awake, she is holding one of his cars (as shown in these photos). And in spite of the many, many times Jackson lays on top of, or sits on Molly, she just keeps coming back for more. Some of Molly's newest interests are her shopping cart, books, and dancing. I'm still working at catching her dancing on video. Don't have it yet, but I will. I'm a patient woman.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Such a boy!
Of course, I had to take a picture. He was perfectly safe, right? Don't worry, I made him get down as soon as I was done taking pictures. :) Now, a normal mother would probably be rather upset about this. I, apparently, am not a normal mother. I thought it was pretty creative and smart on his part. Scold me if you like, but no one got hurt. :)
Now, what do you do with a boy that is causing mischief? Why, you let him paint, of course!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
I love Ikea!
This past Saturday, we also took a family trip to one of my happiest places on earth, Ikea!!! Jackson keeps accumulating more and more toys and it is only going to get worse with Molly, so I decided it was time to start organizing (I also just wanted to get a lot of the toys out of our living room). On the way there, Jason and I established what we needed to get and a budget for those items. What did we come home with? A tent, mirrors (for Molly to stare at the "other baby" and give her kisses), chalk, cereal canisters, pillows, and, oh yeah, an organizer for Jackson's room. Yeah, well, the only things on the list when we went there were the organizer and pillows. :) I love Ikea! And to those people who always leave with more than what they came for, I say, "That's okay! It happens to the best of us!"
Friday, February 20, 2009
Never a dull moment.
I have recently noticed that Cookie Monster has no nose. Now, from what I remember, if you can't smell, it is much more difficult to taste things. If this is true, why would he be so obsessed with cookies when he can't even taste them? It's a waste of delicious baked goods! (That's just my random thought for the day)
To add to some of our fun filled days, Jackson has recently rediscovered a WONDERFUL birthday gift from Aunt Erin, Uncle Neil, and Oliver (did you catch the sarcasm in my voice?). It's his wonderful "My First Recorder." For a sample of the beautiful music being shared in my home day after day after day, watch the following video. Thank you for the recorder. Next birthday, drums?
Thursday, February 19, 2009
What is going on at my house?!?!?!
After that came lunch time. I knew that the meal could get a little bit messy, but I really thought Jackson was past this. As my dear friend, Susie, would say, "Come on. Really?"
I realize the photo might be a bit confusing. The tears are because I said it was time to clean him off. The smile was bribed out of him with a cookie. What you don't see in the photo is that his belly and arms are also completely covered. Oh me, oh my! A nap soon followed and I am discovering (as he woke up while I wrote this) the nap was not nearly long enough. How do I know this? Well, he tried to be nice by wanting to clean his blocks. No, I don't mean pick them up. I mean clean. He threw a fit because I wouldn't let him use a paper towel for his blocks. Now, one paper towel I could understand, but he wanted a new paper towel for each and every block! To this, I say "no." And the tantrums continue.
Molly has actually been pretty good today. She woke up around 12:30am last night and not again until 7:00am this morning. But getting food on their faces seems to be an epidemic for my children. Thankfully, Molly's was just really cute and easy to clean up.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
All About Me Vol. 2
Camera shy?
Molly, on the other hand, loves the camera! And boy does the camera love her! :) What can I say? She's cute! All she needs to see is the little orange red-eye light and she's all smiles!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Truly a Happy Valentine's Day!
After our visitors went home, I ran to Toys 'r' us to get a push toy for Molly (of course I came home with a little shopping cart, thermal blankets, Hot Wheels cars, and a plastic, singing book). Since she has been cruising so quickly around the furniture, Jason and I decided it was about time she had more ways of learning to walk (not that I'm all the eager for it to happen). Below you can see another sample of Molly's "silly crawl" (yes, she still does it) and the newest way for her to get around.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Mommy's little helper???
If only that camera still worked!!!
Along with being Molly's personal paparazzi, Jackson enjoys reading to, playing with, and even trying to feed Molly. This morning nearly became a Cheerio disaster when Jackson tried pouring out a few Cheerios's for himself and Molly and nearly dumped the entire contents onto the table and floor.
Thankfully I caught him before they all fell out. No, they did not eat that many Cheerios. Shortly AFTER taking a photo, I put some of them back.
On a side note, Jackson gets two M&M's whenever he goes on his little potty. I recently noticed that, every time, he has to pick two of the same color. For quite some time there was a lonely blue and green M&M in the bowl. Anyways, I told my mom this story and she began to describe how she eats M&M's. Much to our enjoyment, I discovered I am the exact same way. Allow me to explain (this may get a bit complicated). First, I dump out all the M&M's in my bag. Next, I separate them by color and find out which color has the least (why they can't have the same of each color in a bag is beyond me!). Then I set aside those and the same amount of each of the other colors to be eaten later. Going back to my leftovers, I eat them by color, largest amount to smallest. Once I am down to my even piles, I eat one of each until they are gone.
Did you get all that? I know, crazy, huh? Yet, much to my delight, my own mother eats them the exact same way! Do you think someone has done any research on this? Could Jackson be showing signs of strange M&M eating habits?
I leave you with those deep thoughts.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
All about me Vol. 1
Most of you don't know but I recently made the solid decision to lose (hopefully) 40-50 lbs. How did I come to this decision? Well, it has gone in and out of my head for the past several months. Last week, a friend of mine shared that she was working hard to lose about 30 lbs. As I drove home from seeing her, God laid it on my heart that I needed to help her do this and in turn, be helped. So each day she and I send e-mails back and forth sharing our challenges, our victories, and even our failures. Meanwhile, encouraging each other to continue on. It has been wonderful! But after having gone to Graitters with the full intention of getting TWO small chocolate shakes and then coming home with only one, I really wanted to share it with so many people! Some of you may laugh a little, or even be confused but it truly was a victory!
And so, I call this the "all about me" section of my blog. Here I will be completely honest about my successes and failures as I go on this journey. In turn, I hope to give you a few laughs, encourage those who may be struggling and be held accountable for my decisions.
So, as I listen to my husband slurping his milkshake, I hope this won't bore you too much. Thank you for your support!
Cupid and Coloring
Later in the day, Jason told me Molly had grabbed a plastic clothes hanger and really did look like Cupid with a bow and arrow!
So, that was yesterday. Now, you may not have noticed, but I am writing this at 10:00am because Jackson has already managed to give me trouble..... I mean, stories. :)
We have an easel for him to color on one side with crayons and the other side with chalk. He has done just fine with sticking to his easel since the tv incident (see photo).
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Too much church?
Today, I had the joy of watching my friend, Susie's, three girls. Jackson and Molly managed to be sleeping the entire time they were here, so I had them all to myself. I know that Susie may have thought this was a burden for me, but I assure you it was nothing of the sort. It was fun for me to see what three girls would do in a house full of what I view as boy toys. Ashleigh played with Jackson's car's, Sarah played with his toy gas grill, they all enjoyed our Mickey Mouse clubhouse, and Lauren was thrilled when I pulled out a tunnel to crawl through. We also took some time to play outside. We had some of Jackson's riding toys and his wagon outside. Sarah and Ashleigh went straight for the wagon and dear sweet Lauren managed to get into Jackson's fire truck before I could wipe out all the rain water. All of this occurred right under Jackson's nose, or rather under his room while he slept like an angel.
Thank you for the fun visit! You are all welcome anytime!
Monday, February 9, 2009
This is the beginning.....
Molly has her fair share of fun. Yesterday, not fully remembering how messy they can get, I decided to give Molly her first biter biscuit. Needless to say, a bath quickly followed.
Well, both of my children are sleeping so I have a few moments to gather up the pieces of my sanity before they get lost again.